Sunday, July 6, 2008


Well since there's nothing much to update about our class for some reason has totally quietened down, i'll just update about my boring life yeah.

Anyways its a boring sunday. Spent half they day doing accounts yeah. The dog was pissing me off spent half his day barking for no reason. Played abit of dota then went to do some maths tutorial. End up staring blankly at the paper for an hour or so. I thought we would get abit of slack time after our so called MST's but hell no i've now got even more shit to do but i cant seriously be bothered sometimes i feel like just scoring a gpa of 2.5 but that would be like the biggest upset ever.

Will be changing my blog skin to black either one of these coming few days. Yeah i'm just a emo kid.

Wanted to practise guitar but getting dam lazy. Spend awhile thinking for some lyrics to write for zuls song.

Some reason staying in singapore makes me young but i'm not. Thinking back if i was still back in NZ i probably would have finish my Uni by now and probably find my self some work. But here, hell i'm still in fucking polytechnic second year and i still need to go for ns by the time i come out for the working society i'm gonna be twenty fucking four.

Anyways i now looking for exquiste food to try so if ya know some tag my board.

Now listening to ballad songs = sad love songs

List of things coming:
GEMS project
Maths TEST
Arts and colours TEST
Essay to write
Eng mat Quiz

Going to buy these things sometimes this week or next..
Black shorts
Birkenstock Davos
Light blue strip Shirt
black slim pants
budget $175

still got alot of shit too pay off. I'm broke.

Sat was ok i guess went out wif Jo and daniel LOL.. still as fucked as ever.

Fuck u daniel LOL u really look like you came out of IMH!!!