Saturday, January 5, 2013

Time to start blogging

Hi Peeps,

In case you may not know, I haven't updated my blog since a long time. But recent talks with friends has made me feel like blogging down my thoughts regarding life in general. As we are progressing on in age, topics such as 'girls' will be commonly mentioned here. However, I would like to inform everyone that there is no intention to offend the opposite sex here. There are just times we do not understand your logic at all. I'll be blogging my experiences and conversations that I happen that I come across in my day to day life, which some seem to find interesting. Of course, all identities will remain anonymous.

Secondly, I love to work out. Give me about 2 months and I'll show you some before and afters. If your a fat ass key board warrior, continue to be one cause at the end of the day that is the only thing you can be. For now thats all. Stay tuned for updates.

 Peace out Terry C.