Tuesday, July 31, 2007


pics of jamming will add tml.... sorry still no tanha comic.... cause busy with school work.... come bac tml

Shrek now knows his breast can stop people from getting fat

Yong wei help promoting breast milk...

Ben victim of shrek

Yong wei victim of shrek

John victim of shrek

Friday, July 27, 2007

Dreamers dream and prayers pray

Tanha comic almost there LOL... wait for it plz.... Todays post is only half fucked so i'll be adding more video clips later and pics later... cause now enjoying mac....

I can pay attention and sleep at the same time...

I'm a rockstar even in my sleep.

Friday prayers on a wednesday

I'm constipated but still can sleep

Dreaming of becoming the hulk.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Arvin the king of talk crap..
So sorry i didnt have time to do the tanha comic today but i'll do it tml so stay tuned.....
btw here's today jokes of the day
there was a guy that had trouble sleeping so consulted a doctor. The doctor told him" try counting to 2000 if it doesnt work come back to me", so he went home and tried but unfortunately it didnt work so he went bac to the doc. The doc said" didnt work huh", he said "yeah i counted to 1000 then i got sleep so i drunk coffee to count to the rest".....

There was a guy who wanted to change your name. The lawyer asked him what name was his name. He said John covliskinhativkovski the lawyer said wow i understand why you would want to change then he ask " what would you like to change it to, he said " paul covliskinhativkovski"......

Since my class is full of guys this is what we do to THE VICTIM OF ABUSE he can be seen in the 15th sec we lack female companions people thought there were 4 girls in our class but i'm afriad i'm a guy LOL... Poor things..... Unfortunately today i was not involved i was the camera man LOL.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


STAY TUNED as soon you will not what tanha is via comic version woohhooo....
JOKE of the day
There was a lady looking for a husband and she posted and advertisement in the papers. She had 3 requirements. 1 was he can never hit her 2nd never run away from her 3third must be good in bed..... She there were many applicants and she rejected all.... Suddenly one guy who had no hands or arms and rang the door bell..... She opened the door and was shocked and she said "sorry i'm not looking for you",as she was closing the door then the guy said" but u said you were looking for someone who will never hit you, well i've got no arms and you said that you want a person who can never runaway from you, well i;ve got no legs" then she said "but my third requirement was you must be good in bed", then man replied"how do you think i rang the door bell".........
Just released from IMH two years ago

Extreme left SWEATY NIPPLES/SHREK VS THE HULK Extreme right


Tuesday, July 24, 2007



I'm a noob at blogging so mind me for the crappy layout and things.... i will add lots of photos of video clips and photos LOL......

about me
1. I'm anitosocial when u first meet me
2. http://www.friendster.com/iamtery
3. Admire people who do things better for me
4. I can be mean at times
5. Read my testi's and you will know more

Jokes of the Day
What do you call a running banglah?
a banglah DASH

What happened today?
We were playing dota in class and i borrowed a ring of health from ben and when he asked for it i sold it away LOL... Then he got pissed LOL....

Liang wei pronounces the evil character of HARRY POTTER MOTORBOAT....

Arvin still pretending he has long curly hair when is botak....

and besides waving to the secondary school girls nothing much happened today but tml it will be a better day LOL.....

infuture you will be seeing lots of the below people

the accomplices will be the following

the Victims
Liang Wei and
everyone around us....